Drama 10
Laura Blake
Drama 10 Online is a dynamic course with an emphasis on the creative process. It is designed for students who are interested in exploring and refining performance techniques in relation to acting, directing and script development. There is a focus on skills and attitudes that are appropriate to a variety of theatre performance contexts. Emphasis on setting personal goals for learning and reflecting on personal learning progress is also an integral part of this course. This is a teacher-supported, interactive course.
The course is organized by skill development. There are four units:
- Vocal Development
- Movement and Blocking
- Character Development
- Putting It All Together
This course is available in a student-paced online format.
Student-paced - for those who wish to take responsibility for establishing their own timelines or who need to have maximum flexibility in terms of course work in order to accommodate other activities in their lives.
There will be a variety of assignments, including audio submissions, photo submissions, writing, reflection, a choice between two midterm assignments and a final cumulative submission.
Students will write a mid-term quiz after completing the first two units.
School grade as outlined by the course teacher.
SIDES teacher
Included in the course.
Basic Technical Requirements
More Info
Unit 1: Vocal Development
Unit 2: Movement and Blocking
Unit 3: Character Development
Unit 4: Putting It All Together
You will be completing a variety of assignments in each unit. You will be expected to complete each assignment, whether it's a process submission for feedback or for grading and evaluation.
Each unit in the course is designed to take about 20 - 25 hours to complete (including “homework”). This time estimate is approximate.