Career Life Education 10
Audrey Hayes
This newly developed course meets the learning standards for the new BC Curriculum course called Career Life Education.
Career Life Education 10 (CLE 10) helps students to develop the skills they need to become self-directed individuals who set goals, make thoughtful decisions, and take responsibility for pursuing their goals throughout life. The course encourages students to explore a range of pathways beyond secondary school, develop health and wellness goals, and polish their employability and financial planning skills.
CLE 10 is organized into the following six units:
Unit One - Self Assessment for Career and Life
Unit Two - Career Explorations
Unit Three - Career and Education Planning
Unit Four - Wellness and Work-Life Balance
Unit Five - Workplace Readiness
Unit Six - The Workplace
Final Mini-Capstone Assignment
This course is self-paced and students can begin throughout the year. It is ideal for students who wish to take responsibility for establishing their own timelines and require a flexible course that they can accommodate into their lives.
Students are expected to complete the course within a one-year period. We encourage students to complete a schedule for themselves using the built in scheduler at the beginning of the course. This will give students the big picture view of their commitment and progress towards completion.
6 online units, 1 final project
Students are assessed on a variety of assignments in each unit, including learning guides, discussion posts, reflections and other activities. Assignments are submitted electronically through the course to ensure prompt feedback. Most assessments are rubric-based.
Unit One – 10%
Unit Two – 15%
Unit Three – 15%
Unit Four – 15%
Unit Five – 15%
Unit Six – 15%
Final Project – 15%
Basic Technical Requirements
Reliable high-speed Internet
Web Camera
Built-in Microphone
Up-to-date computer and software