Psychology of Sport 12
Erik Oinonen
It is recommended that students complete PE 10.
The Psychology of Sport 12 course offers students the opportunity to examine closely ‘how sport works,’ and to help them become better performers, reach their potential, and find more enjoyment and meaning in sport and life. Students will be introduced to the basic theories and principles that make Sport Psychology such a powerful and interesting subject area, while also developing a strong personal application.
The course covers individual performance topics such as motivation, confidence, concentration, imagery, and entering “the zone.” It also examines the social aspect of sport including team dynamics, violence in sport, gender, and the role media plays. Students will be asked to apply these insights to their own experiences and participation in sport—whether as an athlete, coach, or spectator.
Throughout the course students will combine physical activity with the mental strategies they are learning about. Sport psychology skills will be developed through highly interactive lessons combined with a practical application in the student’s chosen sport setting. Throughout the course there will be many opportunities for students to practice their skills and become comfortable with the course material in both our online classroom and sporting environment.
Recreational and elite athletes can all benefit from the Psychology of Sport – if you want more from sport and life then this is the course for you.
4 Units over 16 weeks (self-paced):
- 8 Send-ins (Activity/ Psychology logs and assignments)
- Quizzes
- 2 Tests
80% Coursework (send-ins and quizzes)
20% Tests
SIDES teacher
Basic Technical Requirements
More Info
Week 1: History of Sport Psychology; 10 000 Hour Rule; Personal Training Plan
Week 2: Sport Personalities; Wheel of Excellence; Confidence
Week 3: Focus; Concentration; Routines
Week 4: Motivation
Week 5: Self-Talk; Power of the Individual
Week 6: Imagery; Visualization
Week 7: Self-hypnosis; Arousal Levels
Week 8: Relaxation; Flow
Week 9: Mental Toughness; Brain Power
Week 10: Fear and Choking; Olympic Contexts
Week 11: Team Dynamics; Coaching and Leadership
Week 12: Violence in Sport; Sportspersonship and Fair Play
Week 13: Fandom; Psychological Development of Young Athletes
Week 14: Gender in Sport; Sport goes to the Movies
Week 15: The Sport Psychologist; Sport and the Individual
Week 16: Perspective in Sport; Role of the Media